Package 'rtmpt'

Title: Fitting (Exponential/Diffusion) RT-MPT Models
Description: Fit (exponential or diffusion) response-time extended multinomial processing tree (RT-MPT) models by Klauer and Kellen (2018) <doi:10.1016/> and Klauer, Hartmann, and Meyer-Grant (submitted). The RT-MPT class not only incorporate frequencies like traditional multinomial processing tree (MPT) models, but also latencies. This enables it to estimate process completion times and encoding plus motor execution times next to the process probabilities of traditional MPTs. 'rtmpt' is a hierarchical Bayesian framework and posterior samples are sampled using a Metropolis-within-Gibbs sampler (for exponential RT-MPTs) or Hamiltonian-within-Gibbs sampler (for diffusion RT-MPTs).
Authors: Raphael Hartmann [aut, cre], Karl C. Klauer [cph, aut, ctb, ths], Constantin G. Meyer-Grant [aut, ctb], Henrik Singmann [ctb, aut], Jean Marie Linhart [ctb], Frederick Novomestky [ctb]
Maintainer: Raphael Hartmann <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 2.0-2
Built: 2025-03-03 05:49:55 UTC

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Set process thresholds equal


Setting multiple process thresholds (a) equal. One of the process thresholds will be estimated and the other named thresholds will be set to equal the former. The equality can be removed by only using one name of a process.


a2a(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_a_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)



A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process thresholds should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process threshold will be estimated (i.e., it will be set to NA)


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the constants for names in the model will be kept; The thresholds of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process thresholds). TRUE means the constant of the reference process threshold (if specified) is used for all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the constant of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for all other thresholds of the processes in names. If 2, the constant of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, nu2const, nu2nu, omega2const, and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process thresholds for both detection processes ("do" and "dn")
# will be set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- a2a(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_a_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

Set process threshold to constants


Setting process thresholds (a) to constants or change it back to be estimated.


a2const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_a_const(model, names, constants = NA)



An object of the class rtmpt_model.


Character vector with process names.


Numerical vector of length one or length(names). You have the following options for the elements of the numeric vector:

  • 0 < constants: set the named threshold parameter(s) to constant value(s) larger than zero

  • NA: estimate the named threshold parameter(s)


An object of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2a, nu2const, nu2nu, omega2const and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process threshold for guessing (g) will be set to 1.0.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## setting threshold for g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- a2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

## setting threshold of g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- set_a_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

Set mapping between response categories and encoding plus motor execution times


Mapping response categories with encoding and motor execution times (deltas). Unlike the processes there are no names for the different deltas and therefore a mapping from response categories to different deltas must be specified.


delta2delta(model, trees, categories, mappings = 0)

set_deltas_equal(model, trees, categories, mappings = 0)



A list of the class ertmpt_model or drtmpt_model.


Character or numerical vector giving the trees


Character or numerical vector identifying category/ies within the specified trees for which the deltas should be changed.


Numerical vector of length length(categories) providing the mappings. Default is 0.


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

theta2const, tau2zero, theta2theta, and tau2tau,


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times will be set to different responses 

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## changing the model to have two different encoding and motor execution 
## times for "old" and "new" responses.
new_model <- delta2delta(model = model, trees = c(0, 1), 
                         categories = c(1,3), mappings = c(1,1))

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## changing the model to have two different encoding and motor execution 
## times for "old" and "new" responses.
new_model <- delta2delta(model = model, trees = c(0, 1), 
                         categories = c(1,3), mappings = c(1,1))

## changing the model to have two different encoding and response execution 
## times for "old" and "new" responses.
new_model <- set_deltas_equal(model = model, trees = c(0, 1), 
                              categories = c(1,3), mappings = c(1,1))

Fit Diffusion-RT-MPT Models


Given model and data, this function a Hamiltonian MCMC sampler and stores the samples in an mcmc.list called samples. Posterior predictive checks developed by Klauer (2010), deviance information criterion (DIC; Spiegelhalter et al., 2002), 99% and 95% highest density intervals (HDI) together with the median will be provided for the main parameters in a list called diags. Optionally, the indices widely applicable information criterion (WAIC; Watanabe, 2010; Vehtari et al., 2017) and leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO; Vehtari et al., 2017) can be saved. Additionally the log-likelihood (LogLik) can also be stored. Some specifications of the function call are also saved in specs.


  n.chains = 4,
  n.iter = 1000,
  n.phase1 = 1000,
  n.phase2 = 2000,
  n.thin = 1,
  Rhat_max = 1.1,
  Irep = 1000,
  prior_params = NULL,
  flags = NULL,
  control = NULL



A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Optimally, a list of class drtmpt_data. Also possible is a data.frame or a path to the text file. Both, data.frame and the text file must contain the column names "subj", "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt" preferably but not necessarily in this order. The values of the latter must be in milliseconds. It is always advised to use to_drtmpt_data first, which gives back a drtmpt_data list with information about the changes in the data, that were needed.


Number of chains to use. Default is 4. Must be larger than 1 and smaller or equal to 16.


Number of samples per chain. Default is 1000.


Number of samples for phase 1 (adaptation phase). Default is 1000.


Number of samples for phase 2. Default is 2000.


Thinning factor. Default is 1.


Maximal Potential scale reduction factor: A lower threshold that needs to be reached before the actual sampling starts. Default is 1.05


Every Irep samples an interim state with the current maximal potential scale reduction factor is shown. Default is 1000. The following statements must hold true for Irep:

  • n.phase1 is a multiple of Irep

  • n.phase2 is a multiple of Irep

  • n.phase1 is smaller than or equal to n.phase2,

  • Irep is a multiple of n.thin and

  • n.iter is a multiple of Irep / n.thin.


Named list with prior parameters. All parameters have default values, that lead to uninformative priors. Vectors are not allowed. Allowed parameters are:

  • prec_epsilon: prior precision for population means of process-related parameters. Default is 1.0.

  • delta_df: degrees of freedom of t-distribution for motor times. Default is 10.

  • delta_mu: mean of t-distribution for motor times. Default is 0.5.

  • delta_scale: scale of t-distribution for motor times. Default is 1.0.

  • SIGMA_Corr_eta: shape parameter for LKJ distribution for process-related parameters. Default is 4.0.

  • SIGMA_SD_rho: scale parameter of half-Cauchy distribution for process-related parameters. Default is 2.5.

  • GAMMA_Corr_eta: shape parameter for LKJ distribution for motor-related parameters. Default is 4.0.

  • GAMMA_SD_rho: scale parameter of half-Cauchy distribution for motor-related parameters. Default is 0.5.

  • Omega2_alpha: shape parameter of gamma distribution for residual variance. Default is 0.0025.

  • Omega2_beta: rate parameter of gamma distribution for residual variance. Default is 0.5.


Either NULL or a list of

  • old_label If set to TRUE the old labels of "subj" and "group" of the data will be used in the elements of the output list. Default is FALSE.

  • indices Model selection indices. If set to TRUE the log-likelihood for each iteration and trial will be stored temporarily and with that the WAIC and LOO will be calculated via the loo package. If you want to have this log-likelihood matrix stored in the output of this function, you can set loglik to TRUE. Default for indices is FALSE.

  • loglik If set to TRUE and indices = TRUE the log-likelihood matrix for each iteration and trial will be saved in the output as a matrix. Default is FALSE.

  • random_init If set to TRUE the initial values are randomly drawn. If FLASE maximum likelihood is used for initial values.


Either NULL or a list of

  • maxthreads for the ML estimation of the initial values and the calculation of the DIC values one can use more than n.chains threads for parallelization. Default is 4 like n.chians. maxthreads must be larger or equal to n.chains.

  • maxtreedepth1_3 maxtree-depth of the no-U-turn algorithm in Phases 1 to 3

  • maxtreedepth4 maxtree-depth of the no-U-turn algorithm in Phases 4


A list of the class drtmpt_fit containing

  • samples: the posterior samples as an mcmc.list object,

  • diags: some diagnostics like deviance information criterion, posterior predictive checks for the frequencies and latencies, potential scale reduction factors, and also the 99% and 95% HDIs and medians for the group-level parameters,

  • specs: some model specifications like the model, arguments of the model call, and information about the data transformation,

  • indices (optional): if enabled, WAIC and LOO,

  • LogLik (optional): if enabled, the log-likelihood matrix used for WAIC and LOO.

  • summary includes posterior mean and median of the main parameters.


Raphael Hartmann


Klauer, K. C. (2010). Hierarchical multinomial processing tree models: A latent-trait approach. Psychometrika, 75(1), 70-98.

Spiegelhalter, D. J., Best, N. G., Carlin, B. P., & Van Der Linde, A. (2002). Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the royal statistical society: Series b (statistical methodology), 64(4), 583-639.

Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., & Gabry, J. (2017). Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics and Computing, 27(5), 1413-1432.

Watanabe, S. (2010). Asymptotic equivalence of Bayes cross validation and widely applicable information criterion in singular learning theory. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11(Dec), 3571-3594.


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)
data_list <- to_drtmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

# This might take some time
drtmpt_out <- fit_drtmpt(model = model, data = data_list, Rhat_max = 1.1)

Fit Exponential-RT-MPT Models


Given model and data, this function calls an altered version of the C++ program by Klauer and Kellen (2018) to sample from the posterior distribution via a Metropolis-Gibbs sampler and storing it in an mcmc.list called samples. Posterior predictive checks developed by Klauer (2010), deviance information criterion (DIC; Spiegelhalter et al., 2002), 99% and 95% highest density intervals (HDI) together with the median will be provided for the main parameters in a list called diags. Optionally, the indices widely applicable information criterion (WAIC; Watanabe, 2010; Vehtari et al., 2017) and leave-one-out cross-validation (LOO; Vehtari et al., 2017) can be saved. Additionally the log-likelihood (LogLik) can also be stored. Some specifications of the function call are also saved in specs.


  n.chains = 4,
  n.iter = 5000,
  n.burnin = 200,
  n.thin = 1,
  Rhat_max = 1.05,
  Irep = 1000,
  prior_params = NULL,
  indices = FALSE,
  save_log_lik = FALSE,
  old_label = FALSE



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Optimally, a list of class ertmpt_data. Also possible is a data.frame or a path to the text file. Both, data.frame and the text file must contain the column names "subj", "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt" preferably but not necessarily in this order. The values of the latter must be in milliseconds. It is always advised to use to_ertmpt_data first, which gives back an ertmpt_data list with informations about the changes in the data, that were needed.


Number of chains to use. Default is 4. Must be larger than 1 and smaller or equal to 16.


Number of samples per chain. Default is 5000.


Number of warm-up samples. Default is 200.


Thinning factor. Default is 1.


Maximal Potential scale reduction factor: A lower threshold that needs to be reached before the actual sampling starts. Default is 1.05


Every Irep samples an interim state with the current maximal potential scale reduction factor is shown. Default is 1000. The following statements must hold true for Irep:

  • n.burnin is smaller than or equal to Irep,

  • Irep is a multiple of n.thin and

  • n.iter is a multiple of Irep / n.thin.


Named list with prior parameters. All parameters have default values, that lead to uninformative priors. Vectors are not allowed. Allowed parameters are:

  • mean_of_exp_mu_beta: This is the a priori expected exponential rate (E(exp(beta)) = E(lambda)) and 1/mean_of_exp_mu_beta is the a priori expected process time (1/E(exp(beta)) = E(tau)). The default mean is set to 10, such that the expected a priori process time is 0.1 seconds.

  • var_of_exp_mu_beta: The a priori group-specific variance of the exponential rates. Since exp(mu_beta) is Gamma distributed, the rate of the distribution is just mean divided by variance and the shape is the mean times the rate. The default is set to 100.

  • mean_of_mu_gamma: This is the a priori expected mean parameter of the encoding and response execution times, which follow a normal distribution truncated from below at zero, so E(mu_gamma) < E(gamma). The default is 0.

  • var_of_mu_gamma: The a priori group-specific variance of the mean parameter. Its default is 10.

  • mean_of_omega_sqr: This is the a priori expected residual variance (E(omega^2)). Its distribution differs from the one used in the paper. Here it is a Gamma distribution instead of an improper one. The default is 0.005.

  • var_of_omega_sqr: The a priori variance of the residual variance (Var(omega^2)). The default is 0.01. The default of the mean and variance is equivalent to a shape and rate of 0.0025 and 0.5, respectivly.

  • df_of_sigma_sqr: A priori degrees of freedom for the individual variance of the response executions. The individual variance has a scaled inverse chi-squared prior with df_of_sigma_sqr degrees of freedom and omega^2 as scale. 2 is the default and it should be an integer.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the process related parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA is a scaling factor, that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the encoding and motor execution parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA is a scaling factor, that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • prec_epsilon: This is epsilon in the paper. It is the precision of mu_alpha and all xi (scaling parameter in the scaled inverse Wishart distribution). Its default is also 1.

  • add_df_to_invWish: If P is the number of parameters or rather the size of the scale matrix used in the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution then add_df_to_invWish is the number of degrees of freedom that can be added to it. So DF = P + add_df_to_invWish. The default for add_df_to_invWish is 1, such that the correlations are uniformly distributed within [-1, 1].


Model selection indices. If set to TRUE the log-likelihood for each iteration and trial will be stored temporarily and with that the WAIC and LOO will be calculated via the loo package. If you want to have this log-likelihood matrix stored in the output of this function, you can set save_log_lik to TRUE. The default for indices is FALSE.


If set to TRUE and indices = TRUE the log-likelihood matrix for each iteration and trial will be saved in the output as a matrix. Its default is FALSE.


If set to TRUE the old labels of "subj" and "group" of the data will be used in the elements of the output list. Default is FALSE.


A list of the class ertmpt_fit containing

  • samples: the posterior samples as an mcmc.list object,

  • diags: some diagnostics like deviance information criterion, posterior predictive checks for the frequencies and latencies, potential scale reduction factors, and also the 99% and 95% HDIs and medians for the group-level parameters,

  • specs: some model specifications like the model, arguments of the model call, and information about the data transformation,

  • indices (optional): if enabled, WAIC and LOO,

  • LogLik (optional): if enabled, the log-likelihood matrix used for WAIC and LOO.

  • summary includes posterior mean and median of the main parameters.


Raphael Hartmann


Hartmann, R., Johannsen, L., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). rtmpt: An R package for fitting response-time extended multinomial processing tree models. Behavior Research Methods, 52(3), 1313–1338.

Hartmann, R., & Klauer, K. C. (2020). Extending RT-MPTs to enable equal process times. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 96, 102340.

Klauer, K. C. (2010). Hierarchical multinomial processing tree models: A latent-trait approach. Psychometrika, 75(1), 70-98.

Klauer, K. C., & Kellen, D. (2018). RT-MPTs: Process models for response-time distributions based on multinomial processing trees with applications to recognition memory. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 82, 111-130.

Spiegelhalter, D. J., Best, N. G., Carlin, B. P., & Van Der Linde, A. (2002). Bayesian measures of model complexity and fit. Journal of the royal statistical society: Series b (statistical methodology), 64(4), 583-639.

Vehtari, A., Gelman, A., & Gabry, J. (2017). Practical Bayesian model evaluation using leave-one-out cross-validation and WAIC. Statistics and Computing, 27(5), 1413-1432.

Watanabe, S. (2010). Asymptotic equivalence of Bayes cross validation and widely applicable information criterion in singular learning theory. Journal of Machine Learning Research, 11(Dec), 3571-3594.


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)
data_list <- to_ertmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

# This might take some time
ertmpt_out <- fit_ertmpt(model = model, data = data_list, Rhat_max = 1.1)

# Type ?SimData for another working example.

Simulation-based calibration for RT-MPT models


Simulate data from RT-MPT models using ertmpt_model objects. The difference to sim_ertmpt_data is that here only scalars are allowed. This makes it usable for simulation-based calibration (SBC; Talts et al., 2018). You can specify the random seed, number of subjects, number of trials, and some parameters (same as prior_params from fit_ertmpt).


  n.eff_samples = 99,
  n.chains = 4,
  n.iter = 5000,
  n.burnin = 200,
  n.thin = 1,
  Rhat_max = 1.05,
  Irep = 1000,
  n.subj = 40,
  n.trials = 30,
  prior_params = NULL,
  sim_list = NULL



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Random seed number.


Number of effective samples. Default is 99, leading to 100 possible ranks (from 0 to 99).


Number of chains to use. Default is 4. Must be larger than 1 and smaller or equal to 16.


Number of samples per chain. Default is 5000. Must be larger or equal to n.eff_samples.


Number of warm-up samples. Default is 200.


Thinning factor. Default is 1.


Maximal Potential scale reduction factor: A lower threshold that needs to be reached before the actual sampling starts. Default is 1.05


Every Irep samples an interim state with the current maximal potential scale reduction factor is shown. Default is 1000. The following statements must hold true for Irep:

  • n.burnin is smaller than or equal to Irep,

  • Irep is a multiple of n.thin and

  • n.iter is a multiple of Irep / n.thin.


Number of subjects. Default is 40.


Number of trials per tree. Default is 30.


Named list of parameters from which the data will be generated. This must be the same named list as prior_params from fit_ertmpt and has the same defaults. It is not recommended to use the defaults since they lead to many probabilities close or equal to 0 and/or 1 and to RTs close or equal to 0. Allowed parameters are:

  • mean_of_exp_mu_beta: This is the expected exponential rate (E(exp(beta)) = E(lambda)) and 1/mean_of_exp_mu_beta is the expected process time (1/E(exp(beta)) = E(tau)). The default mean is set to 10, such that the expected process time is 0.1 seconds.

  • var_of_exp_mu_beta: The group-specific variance of the exponential rates. Since exp(mu_beta) is Gamma distributed, the rate of the distribution is just mean divided by variance and the shape is the mean times the rate. The default is set to 100.

  • mean_of_mu_gamma: This is the expected mean parameter of the encoding and response execution times, which follow a normal distribution truncated from below at zero, so E(mu_gamma) < E(gamma). The default is 0.

  • var_of_mu_gamma: The group-specific variance of the mean parameter. Its default is 10.

  • mean_of_omega_sqr: This is the expected residual variance (E(omega^2)). The default is 0.005.

  • var_of_omega_sqr: The variance of the residual variance (Var(omega^2)). The default is 0.01. The default of the mean and variance is equivalent to a shape and rate of 0.0025 and 0.5, respectivly.

  • df_of_sigma_sqr: degrees of freedom for the individual variance of the response executions. The individual variance follows a scaled inverse chi-squared distribution with df_of_sigma_sqr degrees of freedom and omega^2 as scale. 2 is the default and it should be an integer.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the process related parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA is a scaling factor, that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the encoding and motor execution parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA is a scaling factor that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • prec_epsilon: This is epsilon in the paper. It is the precision of mu_alpha and all xi (scaling parameter in the scaled inverse Wishart distribution). Its default is also 1.

  • add_df_to_invWish: If P is the number of parameters or rather the size of the scale matrix used in the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution then add_df_to_invWish is the number of degrees of freedom that can be added to it. So DF = P + add_df_to_invWish. The default for add_df_to_invWish is 1, such that the correlations are uniformly distributed within [-1, 1].


Object of class ertmpt_sim. This is also an output object. Can be used to re-fit the model if n.eff_samples was not achieved in a previous fitting attempt. It will then use the data stored in this object. Default is NULL and this object will be created anew.


A list of the class ertmpt_sbc containing

  • ranks: the rank statistic for all parameters,

  • sim_list: an object of the class ertmpt_sim,

  • fit_list: an object of the class ertmpt_fit,

  • specs: some specifications like the model, seed number, etc.,


Raphael Hartmann


Talts, S., Betancourt, M., Simpson, D., Vehtari, A., & Gelman, A. (2018). Validating Bayesian inference algorithms with simulation-based calibration. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.06788.


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be different for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
d+(1-d)*g     ; 0
(1-d)*(1-g)   ; 1

# lures
(1-d)*g       ; 0
d+(1-d)*(1-g) ; 1

# d: detect; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

params <- list(mean_of_exp_mu_beta = 10,
               var_of_exp_mu_beta = 10,
               mean_of_mu_gamma = 0.5,
               var_of_mu_gamma = 0.0025,
               mean_of_omega_sqr = 0.005,
               var_of_omega_sqr = 0.000025,
               df_of_sigma_sqr = 10,
               sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA = 0.1,
               sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA = 0.01,
               prec_epsilon = 10,
               add_df_to_invWish = 5)

R = 2 # typically 2000 with n.eff_samples = 99, but this will run many days
rank_mat <- matrix(NA, ncol = 393, nrow = 2)
for (r in 1:R) {
  SBC_out <- fit_ertmpt_SBC(model, seed = r*123, prior_params = params,
                           n.eff_samples = 99, n.thin = 5,
                           n.iter = 5000, n.burnin = 2000, Irep = 5000)
  rank_mat[r, ] <- SBC_out$ranks

Set process drift rate to constants


Setting process drif rate (nu/v) to constants or change it back to be estimated.


nu2const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_nu_const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_v_const(model, names, constants = NA)

v2const(model, names, constants = NA)



An object of the class rtmpt_model.


Character vector with process names.


Numerical vector of length one or length(names). You have the following options for the elements of the numeric vector:

  • -Inf < constants < Inf: set the named drift rate parameter(s) to constant value(s)

  • NA: estimate the named drift rate parameter(s)


An object of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, a2a, nu2nu, omega2const and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process drift rate for guessing (g) will be set to 1.0.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## setting drift rate for g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- nu2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

## setting drift rate of g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- set_nu_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

## setting drift rate of g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- set_v_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

## setting drift rate of g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- v2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(1.0))

Set process drift rates equal


Setting multiple process drift rates (nu/v) equal. One of the process drift rates will be estimated and the other named drift rates will be set to equal the former. The equality can be removed by only using one name of a process.


nu2nu(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_nu_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_v_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

v2v(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)



A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process drift rates should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process drift rates will be estimated (i.e., it will be set to NA)


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the constants for names in the model will be kept; The drift rates of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process drift rate). TRUE means the constant of the reference process drift rate (if specified) is used for all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the constant of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for all other drift rates of the processes in names. If 2, the constant of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, a2a, nu2const, omega2const, and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process drift rates for both detection processes ("do" and "dn")
# will be set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- nu2nu(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_nu_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_v_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- v2v(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

Set process relative starting-point to constants


Setting process relative starting-point (omega/w) to constants or change it back to be estimated.


omega2const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_omega_const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_w_const(model, names, constants = NA)

w2const(model, names, constants = NA)



An object of the class rtmpt_model.


Character vector with process names.


Numerical vector of length one or length(names). You have the following options for the elements of the numeric vector:

  • 0 < constants < 0: set the named relaitve starting-point parameter(s) to constant value(s) larger than zero and smaller than 1

  • NA: estimate the named relaitve starting-point parameter(s)


An object of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, a2a, nu2const, nu2nu, and omega2omega


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process relative starting-point for guessing (g) will be set to 0.5.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## setting relative starting-point for g to a constant (1.0):
new_model <- omega2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

## setting relative starting-point of g to a constant (0.5):
new_model <- set_omega_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

## setting relative starting-point of g to a constant (0.5):
new_model <- set_w_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

## setting relative starting-point of g to a constant (0.5):
new_model <- w2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

Set process relaitve starting-point equal


Setting multiple process relaitve starting-points (omega/w) equal. One of the process relaitve starting-points will be estimated and the other named relaitve starting-points will be set to equal the former. The equality can be removed by only using one name of a process.


omega2omega(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_omegas_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_w_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

w2w(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)



A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process relaitve starting-points should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process relaitve starting-point will be estimated (i.e., it will be set to NA)


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the constants for names in the model will be kept; The relaitve starting-points of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process relative starting-point). TRUE means the constant of the reference process relaitve starting-point (if specified) is used for all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the constant of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for all other relaitve starting-points of the processes in names. If 2, the constant of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, a2const, a2a, nu2const, nu2nu, and omega2const


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process relaitve starting-points for both detection processes ("do" and "dn")
# will be set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- omega2omega(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_omegas_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_w_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- w2w(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

Set responses in an ertmpt_model or a drtmpt_model


Change the responses for a tree and the categories within that tree.


set_resps(model, tree, categories, values = 0)



A list of the class ertmpt_model or drtmpt_model.


Character or numerical value of the tree for which the responses should be changed.


Character or numerical vector identifying category/ies within the specified tree for which the responses should be changed.


Numerical vector of length length(categories) providing the responses. Default is 0.


A list of the class ertmpt_model or drtmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times will be set to different values 
#   for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## changing the model to have two different encoding and response execution 
## times for "old" and "new" responses.
for(i in c(0,1)) model <- set_resps(model = model, tree = i, 
                                    categories = i*2+1, values = 1)

#' model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## changing the model to have two different encoding and response execution 
## times for "old" and "new" responses.
for(i in c(0,1)) model <- set_resps(model = model, tree = i, 
                                    categories = i*2+1, values = 1)

Simulate data from RT-MPT models


Simulate data from RT-MPT models using ertmpt_model objects. You can specify the random seed, number of subjects, number of trials per tree, and some parameters (mainly the same as prior_params from fit_ertmpt).


sim_ertmpt_data(model, seed, n.subj, n.trials, params = NULL)



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Random seed number.


Number of subjects.


Number of trials per tree.


Named list of parameters from which the data will be generated. This must be the same named list as prior_params from fit_ertmpt, except for "mean_of_mu_alpha" and "var_of_mu_alpha", and has the same defaults. The difference to prior_params is, that vectors are allowed, but must match the length of the parameters in the model. It is not recommended to use the defaults since they lead to many probabilities close or equal to 0 and/or 1 and to RTs close or equal to 0. Allowed parameters are:

  • mean_of_mu_alpha: Probit transformed mean probability. If you want to have a group-level mean probability of 0.6, use mean_of_mu_alpha = qnorm(0.6) in the params list. Default is 0 or qnorm(.5).

  • var_of_mu_alpha: Variance of the probit transformed group-level mean probability. If specified, mu_alpha will be sampled from N(mean_of_mu_alpha, var_of_mu_alpha). If not, mu_alpha = mean_of_mu_alpha.

  • mean_of_exp_mu_beta: This is the expected exponential rate (E(exp(beta)) = E(lambda)) and 1/mean_of_exp_mu_beta is the expected process time (1/E(exp(beta)) = E(tau)). The default mean is set to 10, such that the expected process time is 0.1 seconds. For a mean process time of 200 ms, wirte mean_of_exp_mu_beta = 1000/200.

  • var_of_exp_mu_beta: The group-specific variance of the exponential rates. Since exp(mu_beta) is Gamma distributed, the rate of the distribution is just mean divided by variance and the shape is the mean times the rate. If specified, exp(mu_beta) is sampled from Gammashape = mean_of_exp_mu_beta^2/var_of_exp_mu_beta, rate = mean_of_exp_mu_beta/var_of_exp_mu_beta). If not, mu_alpha = mean_of_exp_mu_beta.

  • mean_of_mu_gamma: This is the expected mean parameter of the encoding and response execution times, which follow a normal distribution truncated from below at zero, so E(mu_gamma) < E(gamma). The default is 0. For a mean motor time of 550 ms write mean_of_mu_gamma = 550/1000.

  • var_of_mu_gamma: The group-specific variance of the mean parameter. If specified, mu_gamma is sampled from N(mean_of_mu_gamma, var_of_mu_gamma). If not, mu_gamma = mean_of_mu_gamma.

  • mean_of_omega_sqr: This is the expected residual variance (E(omega^2)). The default is 0.005.

  • var_of_omega_sqr: The variance of the residual variance (Var(omega^2)). If specified, omega_sqr is sampled from GAMMA(shape = mean_of_omega_sqr^2/var_of_omega_sqr, rate = mean_of_omega_sqr/var_of_omega_sqr). If not, omega_sqr = mean_of_omega_sqr. 0.01. The default of the mean and variance is equivalent to a shape and rate of 0.0025 and 0.5, respectivly.

  • df_of_sigma_sqr: Degrees of freedom for the individual variance of the response executions. The individual variance follows a scaled inverse chi-squared distribution with df_of_sigma_sqr degrees of freedom and omega^2 as scale. 2 is the default and it should be an integer.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the process related parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA is a scaling factor, that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the encoding and motor execution parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA is a scaling factor that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • prec_epsilon: This is epsilon in the paper. It is the precision of xi (scaling parameter in the scaled inverse Wishart distribution). Its default is also 1.

  • add_df_to_invWish: If P is the number of parameters or rather the size of the scale matrix used in the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution then add_df_to_invWish is the number of degrees of freedom that can be added to it. So DF = P + add_df_to_invWish. The default for add_df_to_invWish is 1, such that the correlations are uniformly distributed within [-1, 1].

  • SIGMA: Variance-covariance matrix of the process-related parameters. It must match the number of process-related parameters to be estimated. If scalars or vectors are given, they will be transformed into diagonal matrices using diag(SIGMA). If not specified it will be randomly generated using diag(xi)%*%rinvwishart(nu, S)%*%diag(xi), where nu is the number of process-related group-level parameters to be estimated plus add_df_to_invWish, S is the identity matrix multiplied by sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA, and xi (randomly generated from N(1, 1/prec_epsilon)) are the scaling factors for the scaled inverse wishart distribution. If SIGMA is used, sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA and add_df_to_invWish will be ignored for the process-related parameters.

  • GAMMA: Variance-covariance matrix of the motor time parameters. It must match the number of motor time parameters to be estimated. If scalars or vectors are given, they will be transformed into diagonal matrices using diag(SIGMA). If not specified it will be randomly generated using diag(xi)%*%rinvwishart(nu, S)%*%diag(xi), where nu is the number of motor time group-level parameters to be estimated plus add_df_to_invWish, S is the identity matrix multiplied by sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA, and xi (randomly generated from N(1, 1/prec_epsilon)) are the scaling factors for the scaled inverse wishart distribution. If GAMMA is used, sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA and add_df_to_invWish will be ignored for the motor time parameters.


A list of the class ertmpt_sim containing

  • data: the data.frame with the simulated data,

  • gen_list: a list containing lists of the group-level and subject-specific parameters for the process-related parameters and the motor-related parameters, and the trial-specific probabilities, process-times, and motor-times,

  • specs: some specifications like the model, seed number, etc.,


Raphael Hartmann


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be different for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
do+(1-do)*g     ; 0
(1-do)*(1-g)    ; 1

# lures
(1-dn)*g        ; 0
dn+(1-dn)*(1-g) ; 1

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

# random group-level parameters
params <- list(mean_of_mu_alpha = 0, 
               #var_of_mu_alpha = 1
               mean_of_exp_mu_beta = 10, 
               var_of_exp_mu_beta = 10, 
               mean_of_mu_gamma = 0.5, 
               var_of_mu_gamma = 0.0025, 
               mean_of_omega_sqr = 0.005, 
               var_of_omega_sqr = 0.000025,
               df_of_sigma_sqr = 10, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA = 0.1, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA = 0.01, 
               prec_epsilon = 10,
               add_df_to_invWish = 5)

sim_dat <- sim_ertmpt_data(model, seed = 123, n.subj = 40, n.trials = 30, params = params)

# fixed group-level parameters
params <- list(mean_of_mu_alpha = 0, 
               mean_of_exp_mu_beta = 10, 
               mean_of_mu_gamma = 0.5, 
               mean_of_omega_sqr = 0.005, 
               df_of_sigma_sqr = 10, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA = 0.1, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA = 0.01, 
               prec_epsilon = 10,
               add_df_to_invWish = 5,
               SIGMA = diag(9),   # independent process-related params
               GAMMA = diag(2))   # independent motor time params

sim_dat <- sim_ertmpt_data(model, seed = 123, n.subj = 40, n.trials = 30, params = params)

Simulate data from an RT-MPT model


Simulate data from RT-MPT models using ertmpt_model objects. The difference to sim_ertmpt_data is that here only scalars are allowed. This makes it usable for simulation-based calibration (SBC; Talts et al., 2018). You can specify the random seed, number of subjects, number of trials, and some parameters (same as prior_params from fit_ertmpt).


sim_ertmpt_data_SBC(model, seed, n.subj, n.trials, params = NULL)



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Random seed number.


<- Number of subjects.


<- Number of trials per tree.


Named list of parameters from which the data will be generated. This must be the same named list as prior_params from fit_ertmpt and has the same defaults. It is not recommended to use the defaults since they lead to many probabilities close or equal to 0 and/or 1 and to RTs close or equal to 0. Allowed parameters are:

  • mean_of_exp_mu_beta: This is the expected exponential rate (E(exp(beta)) = E(lambda)) and 1/mean_of_exp_mu_beta is the expected process time (1/E(exp(beta)) = E(tau)). The default mean is set to 10, such that the expected process time is 0.1 seconds.

  • var_of_exp_mu_beta: The group-specific variance of the exponential rates. Since exp(mu_beta) is Gamma distributed, the rate of the distribution is just mean divided by variance and the shape is the mean times the rate. The default is set to 100.

  • mean_of_mu_gamma: This is the expected mean parameter of the encoding and response execution times, which follow a normal distribution truncated from below at zero, so E(mu_gamma) < E(gamma). The default is 0.

  • var_of_mu_gamma: The group-specific variance of the mean parameter. Its default is 10.

  • mean_of_omega_sqr: This is the expected residual variance (E(omega^2)). The default is 0.005.

  • var_of_omega_sqr: The variance of the residual variance (Var(omega^2)). The default is 0.01. The default of the mean and variance is equivalent to a shape and rate of 0.0025 and 0.5, respectivly.

  • df_of_sigma_sqr: degrees of freedom for the individual variance of the response executions. The individual variance follows a scaled inverse chi-squared distribution with df_of_sigma_sqr degrees of freedom and omega^2 as scale. 2 is the default and it should be an integer.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the process related parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA is a scaling factor, that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA: The original scaling matrix (S) of the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution for the encoding and motor execution parameters is an identity matrix S=I. sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA is a scaling factor that scales this matrix (S=sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA*I). Its default is 1.

  • prec_epsilon: This is epsilon in the paper. It is the precision of mu_alpha and all xi (scaling parameter in the scaled inverse Wishart distribution). Its default is also 1.

  • add_df_to_invWish: If P is the number of parameters or rather the size of the scale matrix used in the (scaled) inverse Wishart distribution then add_df_to_invWish is the number of degrees of freedom that can be added to it. So DF = P + add_df_to_invWish. The default for add_df_to_invWish is 1, such that the correlations are uniformly distributed within [-1, 1].


A list of the class ertmpt_sim containing

  • data: the data.frame with the simulated data,

  • gen_list: a list containing lists of the group-level and subject-specific parameters for the process-related parameters and the motor-related parameters, and the trial-specific probabilities, process-times, and motor-times,

  • specs: some specifications like the model, seed number, etc.,


Raphael Hartmann


Talts, S., Betancourt, M., Simpson, D., Vehtari, A., & Gelman, A. (2018). Validating Bayesian inference algorithms with simulation-based calibration. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.06788.


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be different for each response.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
do+(1-do)*g     ; 0
(1-do)*(1-g)    ; 1

# lures
(1-dn)*g        ; 0
dn+(1-dn)*(1-g) ; 1

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

params <- list(mean_of_exp_mu_beta = 10, 
               var_of_exp_mu_beta = 10, 
               mean_of_mu_gamma = 0.5, 
               var_of_mu_gamma = 0.0025, 
               mean_of_omega_sqr = 0.005, 
               var_of_omega_sqr = 0.000025,
               df_of_sigma_sqr = 10, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_SIGMA = 0.1, 
               sf_of_scale_matrix_GAMMA = 0.01, 
               prec_epsilon = 10,
               add_df_to_invWish = 5)

sim_dat <- rtmpt:::sim_ertmpt_data_SBC(model, seed = 123, n.subj = 40, 
                                      n.trials = 30, params = params)

Data simulated from the restricted 2HTM


Data set generated from a restricted Two-High Threshold model.




A data frame with five variables:


subjects number


group label of the subjects


condition of the current trial


observed response category


observed response time in ms


Fourty subjects with thirty trials per condition (Studied items, new Items) were simulated.


# Detect-Guess variant of the restricted Two-High Threshold model.


mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
d+(1-d)*g     ; 0
(1-d)*(1-g)   ; 1

# lures
(1-d)*g       ; 0
d+(1-d)*(1-g) ; 1

# d: detect; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

data <- to_ertmpt_data(raw_data = SimData, model = model)

# this might take some time to run
ertmpt_out <- fit_ertmpt(model = model, data = data)

# convergence
## traceplot and summary of the first six parameters

Set process completion times equal


Setting multiple process completion times (taus) equal. This means all process times of negative outcomes will be set equal and all process times of positive outcomes will be set equal. Only two process times (one for the negative and one for the positive outcome) of the named processes will be estimated. The equality can be removed by just naming only one process name.


tau2tau(model, names, outcome, keep_zeros = FALSE)

set_taus_equal(model, names, outcome, keep_zeros = FALSE)

set_lambdas_equal(model, names, outcome, keep_zeros = FALSE)

lambda2lambda(model, names, outcome, keep_zeros = FALSE)



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process completion times should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process completion times (for negative and positive outcomes) will be estimates (i.e., they will be set to NA)


Character (no vector) indicating for which process outcome the process completion times should be set equal. Allowed characters are:

  • "minus": the negative outcome of the processes.

  • "plus": the positive outcome of the processes.

  • "both": the negative and positive outcome of the processes. This will set all process completion times for the "minus" outcome equal and all process completion times for the "plus" outcome equal.


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the zeros for names in the model will be kept; The times of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process times). TRUE means the zero(s) of the reference process times (if specified) is used for the same outcome of all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the zero(s) of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for the same outcome of all other processes in names. If 2, the zero(s) of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


If you use theta2theta() and tau2tau() with the same process names you might just change the EQN or MDL file accordingly by using the same process name for all processes which should have equal process times and probabilities.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, theta2const, tau2zero and theta2theta


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process completion times for both detection processes ("do" and "dn") will be
# set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- tau2tau(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"), outcome = "both")

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_taus_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"), outcome = "both")

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_lambdas_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"), outcome = "both")

## make do = dn
new_model <- lambda2lambda(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"), outcome = "both")

Set process completion times to zero


Setting process completion times (taus) to zero or change it back to be estimated.


tau2zero(model, names, outcomes, values = 0)

set_tau_zero(model, names, outcomes, values = 0)



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Character vector with process names.


Character vector of length length(names) indicating for which process outcome the process completion time should be zero or changed back to be estimated. Allowed characters are:

  • "minus": the negative outcome of the process.

  • "plus": the positive outcome of the process.


Numerical vector of length one or length(names). You have the following options for the elements of the numeric vector:

  • 0: suppress the process time/rate, i.e., set the process completion time (tau) with the specified output to zero.

  • NA: estimate the process time (tau)


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, theta2const, theta2theta and tau2tau


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process completion times for both failed detections will be suppressed.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## removing the process times (tau) for the failed (="minus") detection ("do" and "dn") 
new_model <- tau2zero(model = model, names = c("dn", "do"),
                      outcomes = c("minus", "minus"), values = 0)

## removing the process times (tau) for the failed (="minus") detection ("do" and "dn") 
new_model <- set_tau_zero(model = model, names = c("dn", "do"),
                          outcomes = c("minus", "minus"), values = 0)

Set process probabilities to constants


Setting process probabilities (thetas) to constants or change it back to be estimated.


theta2const(model, names, constants = NA)

set_theta_const(model, names, constants = NA)



An object of the class ertmpt_model.


Character vector with process names.


Numerical vector of length one or length(names). You have the following options for the elements of the numeric vector:

  • 0 < constants < 1: set the named probability to a constant value between zero and one

  • NA: estimate the named probability


An object of the class ertmpt_model.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, tau2zero, theta2theta and tau2tau


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process probability for guessing (g) will be set to 0.5.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## setting g to a constant (0.5):
new_model <- theta2const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

## setting g to a constant (0.5):
new_model <- set_theta_const(model = model, names = c("g"), constants = c(0.5))

Set process probabilities equal


Setting multiple process probabilities (thetas) equal. One of the process probabilities will be estimated and the other named process(es) will be set to equal the former. The equality can be removed by only using one name of a process.


theta2theta(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)

set_thetas_equal(model, names, keep_consts = FALSE)



A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Character vector giving the names of the processes for which the process probabilities should be equal. If length(names) = 1 then the corresponding process probability will be estimates (i.e., it will be set to NA)


Can be one of the following

  • logical value: FALSE (default) means none of the constants for names in the model will be kept; The probability of the reference process (i.e., first of names in alphabetical order) will be set to NA (i.e., will be estimated) and the others will be set to the name of the reference process (i.e., will be set to equal the reference process probability). TRUE means the constant of the reference process probability (if specified) is used for all other processes.

  • numeric value: index for names. If 1, the constant of the first process in names (in original order defined by the user) is used for all other probabilities of the processes in names. If 2, the constant of the second process is used. And so on.


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


If you use theta2theta() and tau2tau() with the same process names you might just change the EQN or MDL file accordingly by using the same process name for all processes which should have equal process times and probabilities.


Raphael Hartmann

See Also

delta2delta, theta2const, tau2zero and tau2tau


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each category.
# The process probabilities for both detection processes ("do" and "dn") will be
# set equal.

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets

# lures

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## make do = dn
new_model <- theta2theta(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

## make do = dn
new_model <- set_thetas_equal(model = model, names = c("do", "dn"))

Transform data to be used in Diffusion RT-MPT model fitting


Transform data, such that it can be used in fit_drtmpt. This implies changing each value/label in "subj", "group", "tree", and "cat" to numbers such that it starts from zero (e.g. data$tree = c(1,1,3,3,2,2,...) will be changed to data$tree = c(0,0,2,2,1,1,...)) and the columns will be ordered in the right way. "rt" must be provided in milliseconds. If it has decimal places it will be rounded to a whole number. fit_drtmpt will automatically call this function if its input is not already a drtmpt_data list, but it is advised to use it anyway because it provides information about the transformations of the data.


to_drtmpt_data(raw_data, model)



data.frame or path to data containing columns "subj", "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt". If not provided in this order it will be reordered and unused variables will be moved to the end of the new data frame.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


A list of the class drtmpt_data containing transformed data and information about the transformation that has been done.


Raphael Hartmann


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.

eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat  ; mpt
target ; hit  ; do
target ; hit  ; (1-do)*g
target ; miss ; (1-do)*(1-g)

  lure ;  f_a ; (1-dn)*g
  lure ;  c_r ; dn
  lure ;  c_r ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

model <- to_drtmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/labeled_data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)

data_list <- to_drtmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

Create a model list to fit a Diffusion-RT-MPT


Create a model list of the class drtmpt_model by providing either eqn_file or mdl_file. If both are provided mdl_file will be used.


to_drtmpt_model(eqn_file = NULL, mdl_file = NULL)



Character string as shown in example 2 or path to the text file that specifies the Diffusion (RT-)MPT model with standard .eqn syntax (Heck et al., 2018; Hu, 1999). E.g. studied ; hit ; (1-do)*g for a correct guess in the detect-guess 2HT model.


Character string as shown in example 1 or path to the text file that specifies the Diffusion (RT-)MPT model and gives on each line the equation of one category using + to separate branches and * to separate processes (Singmann and Kellen, 2013). E.g. do+(1-do)*g for the category "hit" in the detect-guess 2HT model.


A list of the class drtmpt_model.


Within a branch of a (RT-)MPT model it is not allowed to have the same process two or more times.


Raphael Hartmann


Heck, D. W., Arnold, N. R., & Arnold, D. (2018). TreeBUGS: An R package for hierarchical multinomial-processing-tree modeling. Behavior Research Methods, 50(1), 264-284.

Hu, X. (1999). Multinomial processing tree models: An implementation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 31(4), 689-695.

Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (2013). MPTinR: Analysis of multinomial processing tree models in R. Behavior Research Methods, 45(2), 560-575.

See Also

delta2delta, theta2const, tau2zero, theta2theta, and tau2tau for functions to change the model


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model
#   with constant guessing and
#   suppressed process completion times for both failed detections.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be different for each response.

## 1. using the mdl syntax
mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
do+(1-do)*g     ; 0
(1-do)*(1-g)    ; 1

# lures
(1-dn)*g        ; 0
dn+(1-dn)*(1-g) ; 1

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_drtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## 2. using the eqn syntax
eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat ; mpt
     0 ;   0 ; do
     0 ;   0 ; (1-do)*g
     0 ;   1 ; (1-do)*(1-g)

     1 ;   2 ; (1-dn)*g
     1 ;   3 ; dn
     1 ;   3 ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

#     tree ; cat ;  MAP
resp:    0 ;   0 ;    0
resp:    0 ;   1 ;    1
resp:    1 ;   2 ;    0
resp:    1 ;   3 ;    1
# different motor execution times for old and new responses.

model <- to_drtmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

Transform data to be used in RT-MPT model fitting


Transform data, such that it can be used in fit_ertmpt. This implies changing each value/label in "subj", "group", "tree", and "cat" to numbers such that it starts from zero (e.g. data$tree = c(1,1,3,3,2,2,...) will be changed to data$tree = c(0,0,2,2,1,1,...)) and the columns will be ordered in the right way. "rt" must be provided in milliseconds. If it has decimal places it will be rounded to a whole number. fit_ertmpt will automatically call this function if its input is not already an ertmpt_data list, but it is advised to use it anyway because it provides information about the transformations of the data.


to_ertmpt_data(raw_data, model)

to_rtmpt_data(raw_data, model)



data.frame or path to data containing columns "subj", "group", "tree", "cat", and "rt". If not provided in this order it will be reordered and unused variables will be moved to the end of the new data frame.


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


A list of the class ertmpt_data containing transformed data and information about the transformation that has been done.


Raphael Hartmann


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be equal for each response.

eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat  ; mpt
target ; hit  ; do
target ; hit  ; (1-do)*g
target ; miss ; (1-do)*(1-g)
  lure ;  f_a ; (1-dn)*g
  lure ;  c_r ; dn
  lure ;  c_r ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

model <- to_ertmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/labeled_data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)

data_list <- to_ertmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat  ; mpt
target ; hit  ; do
target ; hit  ; (1-do)*g
target ; miss ; (1-do)*(1-g)
  lure ;  f_a ; (1-dn)*g
  lure ;  c_r ; dn
  lure ;  c_r ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

model <- to_rtmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

data_file <- system.file("extdata/labeled_data.txt", package="rtmpt")
data <- read.table(file = data_file, header = TRUE)

data_list <- to_rtmpt_data(raw_data = data, model = model)

Create a model list to fit an RT-MPT


Create a model list of the class ertmpt_model by providing either eqn_file or mdl_file. If both are provided mdl_file will be used.


to_ertmpt_model(eqn_file = NULL, mdl_file = NULL)

to_rtmpt_model(eqn_file = NULL, mdl_file = NULL)



Character string as shown in example 2 or path to the text file that specifies the (RT-)MPT model with standard .eqn syntax (Heck et al., 2018; Hu, 1999). E.g. studied ; hit ; (1-do)*g for a correct guess in the detect-guess 2HT model.


Character string as shown in example 1 or path to the text file that specifies the (RT-)MPT model and gives on each line the equation of one category using + to separate branches and * to separate processes (Singmann and Kellen, 2013). E.g. do+(1-do)*g for the category "hit" in the detect-guess 2HT model.


A list of the class ertmpt_model.


Within a branch of a (RT-)MPT model it is not allowed to have the same process two or more times.


Raphael Hartmann


Heck, D. W., Arnold, N. R., & Arnold, D. (2018). TreeBUGS: An R package for hierarchical multinomial-processing-tree modeling. Behavior Research Methods, 50(1), 264-284.

Hu, X. (1999). Multinomial processing tree models: An implementation. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers, 31(4), 689-695.

Singmann, H., & Kellen, D. (2013). MPTinR: Analysis of multinomial processing tree models in R. Behavior Research Methods, 45(2), 560-575.

See Also

delta2delta, theta2const, tau2zero, theta2theta, and tau2tau for functions to change the model


# Detect-Guess variant of the Two-High Threshold model
#   with constant guessing and
#   suppressed process completion times for both failed detections.
# The encoding and motor execution times are assumed to be different for each response.

## 1. using the mdl syntax
mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
do+(1-do)*g     ; 0
(1-do)*(1-g)    ; 1

# lures
(1-dn)*g        ; 0
dn+(1-dn)*(1-g) ; 1

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

# for constant thetas and suppressed taus
# please use theta2cons() and tau2

model <- to_ertmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)

## 2. using the eqn syntax
eqn_2HTM <- "
# tree ; cat ; mpt
     0 ;   0 ; do
     0 ;   0 ; (1-do)*g
     0 ;   1 ; (1-do)*(1-g)
     1 ;   2 ; (1-dn)*g
     1 ;   3 ; dn
     1 ;   3 ; (1-dn)*(1-g)

# for constant thetas and suppressed taus
# please use theta2cons() and tau2

#     tree ; cat ;  MAP
resp:    0 ;   0 ;    0
resp:    0 ;   1 ;    1
resp:    1 ;   2 ;    0
resp:    1 ;   3 ;    1
# different motor execution times for old and new responses.

model <- to_ertmpt_model(eqn_file = eqn_2HTM)

mdl_2HTM <- "
# targets
do+(1-do)*g     ; 0
(1-do)*(1-g)    ; 1

# lures
(1-dn)*g        ; 0
dn+(1-dn)*(1-g) ; 1

# do: detect old; dn: detect new; g: guess

model <- to_rtmpt_model(mdl_file = mdl_2HTM)